Artificial Intelligence: How will it Impact Customer Engagement?

April 20, 2023 | 2:00 Eastern

ChatGBT, Bard, and the other artificial intelligence algorithms have been all the rage in the recent media.  Can they replace call center agents?  Will these plus the other machine learning algorithms revolutionize customer service in the energy industry?

Join Joel Gilbert, Chief Software Architect, Apogee Interactive, for a one-hour  presentation that will sort fact from fiction. It will also explain, in plain English, how these advanced analytics methods work and when and how they can produce truly remarkable insights in customer value within the energy industry.

Attendees Can Expect These Take Aways:

  • What AI methods produce real value and how to use them today.
  • Warnings about smart grid data and realistic disaggregation opportunities.
  • How noisy data can be “filtered” so that it is meaningful and useful.

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