Meeting Goals by Leveraging Partner Relationships

January 27, 2022 | 2:00 Eastern

In pursuit of New York State’s low-carbon goals and continuance of Orange & Rockland’s role as the trusted energy advisor to its customers, O&R sought to raise awareness of NYS’s “Clean Heat” program and empower customers with basic education required to explore different HVAC solutions. This required O&R to quantify costs and benefits, focusing on electric heat pumps. O&R developed a new tool to communicate this foundational information to its customers. Join Andrew Farrell, Project Specialist, Electrification, and Kim Johnson, Apogee’s Key Account Manager for a 30 minute discussion about modifications made to O&R’s Heating Comparison Calculator and the results of how O&R was better able to promote the program to its customers.

The attendee will come away from this webinar with a good understanding of how O&R combined the forces of their Utilities of the Future and Customer Energy Solutions teams, to come up with the specifications for a calculator tool to meet the needs the company was tasked with, and how using a trusted partner aided in meeting those requirements. Andrew will discuss how working with Apogee helped them be more efficient, and allowed them to bring a new educational tool to customers much quicker.  Learn more about our speakers. 

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